Increase App Storage (MediaTek Devices) - Passionate Geekz


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Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Increase App Storage (MediaTek Devices)

Increase App Storage (Root is Required)

Note: The Following Steps is Only For MediaTek Devices

if you don't know is your device is mediatek

no problem search your phone name and see specs under Cpu if you found MediaTek... Than you can give a try To This

(All Micromax Devices is mediatek except new ones Yureka /Yuphoria)

So here We goes First you need a rooted smartphone in order To use this App....


1. Rooted device

2. Hk Rom editor Apk(Download Here)

3. Obviously A Brain


1.Download Hkrom Editor.apk in your phone and Install it and open it.

2. Then you will see MTK 6582 devices Something like that CLICK on it.

3. Drag the Blue dot to last which will show you increase memory( See in below image).

4. Click on Apply After drag it to last ( 2.5 Gb/2.5 Gb)

5. After Click on apply Wait for 2 to 5 minutes After sometime a New Pop up message will come on your mobile screen ( See in image below)

6. Click on "Reboot Recovery" and your mobile will reboot and take some time to start after that your internal app Storage will be increased. ( See in image below)

7. Congrats You successfully increased App Storage

For any queries comment Below


  1. Sir my phone is micromax unit3
    can it works for me,,
    and sir pbrlm nehi hoga na???

  2. is your device running on kitkat 4.4.4??

  3. No. my device is 4.2 kitkat

  4. okk you can give a try To This.... make sure you have custom recovery..... in case of brick you can recover your rom.......... make backup of rom before proceed further....

  5. i wants some mmx unite3 games for lolipop.plz give me
